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Trade & Associate Member - Website Profile Form

Complete this form if you would like your trade profile to be featured on our website.

Optional photo of a representative or team.

Describe your business's background in 250 words or less.

10. Services Provided by Your Business
11 (a). Have you signed up any artist members to the AAAA on their behalf? If no, then you can skip to question 12.

Please keep your statement under 200 words.

Tell us about the artist (e.g. their community, where they are based) and their art career (e.g important solo and group exhibitions). Please keep the biography under 200 words.

Summarise the artist's key achievements in 100 words or less.

Upload up to four (4) images of the artist's artwork or installation

The artist referred to in questions 11 (b) to 11 (i) has given me consent for their profile to be publicly displayed on the AAAA website.
12. I consent to having my business profile publicly displayed on the AAAA website.
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