The purposes and objectives for which the Association has been established are set out in Clause 3 of the Aboriginal Art Association of Australia's Constitution as follows:
Principal purposes:​
- The AAAA serves and represents artists, individuals and organisations that produce, promote, protect or support Aboriginal art and the cultures that create and nurture that art.
- The AAAA’s goal is to ensure a vibrant, healthy, sustainable and inclusive Aboriginal visual arts industry.
- The AAAA recognises above all that the industry depends upon the creative genius of Aboriginal artists producing cultural material and that the long term viability of the industry depends upon that culture remaining strong.
- The AAAA seeks to provide the industry with and to promote a nationwide safe and ethical environment in which Aboriginal artists are free and safe to ply their trade for fair and prompt remuneration, free from exploitation, bullying and coercion.
- The AAAA operates as an advocate for all industry participants, whether artist, gallery or dealer and whether independent or art centre affiliated.
- The AAAA provides Members with an ideal mechanism to expand their contacts, remain abreast of and discuss issues relevant to the industry and grow their businesses.
to foster a commitment to excellence in product, presentation and service in the sale of Aboriginal artworks throughout Australia;
to foster consumer confidence in those dealing in Aboriginal arts and crafts;
to promote honesty and integrity in dealings between the public, museums, Aboriginal artists, their representatives, galleries and dealers in Aboriginal art;
to develop, promote, uphold and enforce compliance with the Code of Ethics, including investigating alleged breaches of the Code of Ethics;
to enhance the professional standing of the Members;
to develop stronger ties between dealers in Aboriginal art and Aboriginal artists, their agents, arts bodies and Government;
to promote financial accountability in the relationships between retailers, agents and manufacturers and the Aboriginal artists with whom they work;
to provide support for Aboriginal artists;
to encourage emerging Aboriginal artists;
to assist in the development and promotion of a national standard for authentication of Aboriginal artworks;
to bring together Members of the Association for the mutual improvement and higher education of one another;
to promote the interest of Members of the Association in all matters affecting the good standing of their reputation;
to admit and recognise as Members of the Association only such persons as shall comply with this Constitution, the Association’s Code of Ethics and any other rules which are made from time to time by the Board;
to promote, support or oppose legislative or other measures affecting the business interests of Members and the welfare of Aboriginal artists.
to promote the role of artists and community organisations in the preservation and maintenance of the cultural life of Aboriginal communities;
to collect, maintain and circulate to Members statistics and other information in regard to the Aboriginal art market or any legislation affecting it, and to print, publish, issue and/or circulate such papers, pamphlets, periodicals, books, circulars and other written material as may appear to be conducive to any of these objects;
to undertake the arbitration, settlement and adjudication of disputes between Members, arising out of trade and commerce;
to subscribe or guarantee money for charitable or benevolent objects, or for any public, general or useful object but in particular those relevant to the Aboriginal arts;
to do all such other things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the objects and the exercise of the powers of the Association.